What is the new age belief

New Age beliefs are a diverse and eclectic mix of spiritual and philosophical ideas that emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. While there is no single, defining characteristic of New Age beliefs, some common themes and principles include:

  1. Holism: The interconnectedness of all things, including the individual, the universe, and the environment.
  2. Spirituality: A focus on personal spiritual growth, self-awareness, and inner guidance.
  3. Non-dualism: The idea that all distinctions, such as good and evil, are illusory and that reality is ultimately one and indivisible.
  4. Universalism: The belief that all religions and spiritual paths are valid and lead to the same ultimate truth.
  5. Personal responsibility: The idea that individuals are responsible for their own lives, choices, and spiritual growth.
  6. Positive thinking: The emphasis on positive thinking, visualization, and affirmations to manifest one's desires and create a better life.
  7. Energy and vibration: The concept that everything is made up of energy and that our thoughts, emotions, and actions can affect the world around us.
  8. The power of the mind: The idea that the mind has the power to shape reality and that our thoughts and intentions can manifest our desires.
  9. The importance of intuition: The recognition of the importance of intuition and inner guidance in decision-making and spiritual growth.
  10. The rejection of dogma: The rejection of rigid dogma and the emphasis on personal experience and individual interpretation of spiritual teachings.

Some specific New Age beliefs and practices include:

It's important to note that New Age beliefs are not a single, cohesive movement, and there is a wide range of diversity within the New Age community. Some people may identify with certain aspects of New Age beliefs, while others may reject them entirely.