What is the latest news on npower

Npower is a British energy company that was acquired by E.ON in 2019. As a result, Npower is no longer an independent company and its operations are now integrated with E.ON's. Here are some recent news updates related to Npower:

  1. Integration with E.ON: In 2019, E.ON completed the acquisition of Npower, creating one of the largest energy companies in the UK. The integration process is ongoing, with E.ON aiming to simplify its operations and improve customer service.
  2. Job losses: As part of the integration process, E.ON announced plans to cut around 4,500 jobs in the UK, including some roles at Npower. The company said the job losses were necessary to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  3. Price changes: In 2020, E.ON announced price changes for Npower customers, with some tariffs increasing and others decreasing. The changes were designed to reflect the company's new costs and to simplify its pricing structure.
  4. Smart meter rollout: Npower has been rolling out smart meters to its customers as part of the UK government's smart meter program. The rollout is ongoing, with the aim of installing smart meters in all eligible households by 2025.
  5. Customer service improvements: E.ON has been working to improve customer service at Npower, including introducing new online tools and increasing the number of customer service representatives. The company aims to provide a better experience for its customers.
  6. Renewable energy investments: E.ON has been investing in renewable energy projects, including wind farms and solar panels. Npower customers can choose to support these projects through E.ON's "Green Tariff" option.
  7. Brexit preparations: Like many energy companies, Npower has been preparing for the UK's departure from the European Union (Brexit). The company has been working to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruption to its operations and customers.

These are just a few of the latest news updates related to Npower. If you're a Npower customer, you can visit the company's website or contact its customer service team for more information on its products and services.