What is the current time in new orleans

I'd be happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to current information. But I can suggest a few ways for you to find the current time in New Orleans:

  1. Check online: You can check the current time in New Orleans on websites like WorldTimeBuddy, TimeAndDate, or WorldClock.
  2. Use a time zone converter: You can use a time zone converter like TimeAndDate or WorldTimeBuddy to convert the current time in New Orleans to your local time zone.
  3. Check with a local: If you know someone in New Orleans, you can ask them what the current time is.

As of my knowledge cutoff, New Orleans is in the Central Time Zone (CT) and observes daylight saving time. During standard time, New Orleans is UTC-6, and during daylight saving time, it's UTC-5.

Please note that the current time in New Orleans may have changed since my knowledge cutoff, so it's always a good idea to double-check with a reliable source.