What is soft news

Soft news refers to news stories that are more entertainment-oriented, human-interest focused, or lighthearted, rather than hard-hitting, investigative, or serious in nature. Soft news stories often prioritize storytelling, emotional appeal, and audience engagement over in-depth analysis or objective reporting.

Soft news can take many forms, including:

  1. Human-interest stories: Tales of everyday people, their struggles, and triumphs.
  2. Celebrity news: Gossip, scandals, and updates on the lives of famous individuals.
  3. Trend stories: Articles about popular culture, fashion, music, or other trends.
  4. Feature stories: In-depth profiles of people, places, or things, often with a narrative focus.
  5. Lifestyles stories: Articles about food, travel, entertainment, or other aspects of daily life.
  6. Opinion pieces: Editorials, columns, or commentary pieces that express a personal perspective.
  7. Listicles: Articles that present information in a list format, often with a humorous or lighthearted tone.

Soft news is often contrasted with hard news, which is more serious, in-depth, and focused on reporting facts and events. Hard news typically includes:

  1. Investigative reporting: In-depth investigations into important issues or scandals.
  2. Breaking news: Timely reports on significant events, such as natural disasters, political crises, or major accidents.
  3. Analysis: In-depth analysis of complex issues, policies, or events.
  4. Feature reporting: In-depth profiles of people, places, or things, often with a serious or investigative focus.

The distinction between soft and hard news is not always clear-cut, and many news outlets blend elements of both in their reporting. However, soft news is generally considered to be more focused on entertainment and audience engagement, while hard news prioritizes accuracy, objectivity, and in-depth reporting.