What is news feature

A news feature is a type of article or report that provides in-depth coverage of a specific topic or issue, often with a focus on human interest, analysis, or investigative reporting. News features are typically longer and more detailed than traditional news articles, and may include interviews, profiles, and other narrative elements.

News features can take many forms, including:

  1. Investigative reports: In-depth investigations into specific issues or topics, often involving original research and interviews.
  2. Profiles: In-depth portraits of individuals, organizations, or communities, often highlighting their experiences, achievements, and challenges.
  3. Analysis: In-depth analysis of complex issues, often involving expert opinions, data, and research.
  4. Human interest stories: Stories that focus on the personal experiences and stories of individuals, often highlighting their struggles, triumphs, and achievements.
  5. Trend pieces: Articles that explore emerging trends, issues, or phenomena, often providing context, analysis, and insights.

News features are often used to:

  1. Provide context and background information on complex issues.
  2. Humanize stories and make them more relatable.
  3. Offer unique perspectives and insights.
  4. Provide in-depth analysis and commentary.
  5. Tell compelling and engaging stories.

Some common characteristics of news features include:

  1. Length: News features are often longer than traditional news articles, typically ranging from 500 to 2,000 words.
  2. Depth: News features provide in-depth coverage of a specific topic or issue, often involving original research and interviews.
  3. Narrative style: News features often use a narrative style, with a focus on storytelling and human interest.
  4. Analysis: News features often include analysis and commentary from experts, often providing context and insights.
  5. Visual elements: News features may include photographs, videos, or other visual elements to enhance the story.

Examples of news features include: