What is new other on ebay

Ebay's "New" or "New Other" category refers to items that are brand new, unused, and still in their original packaging. However, they may not be in perfect condition or may have some minor flaws. Here are some common characteristics of items listed as "New Other" on Ebay:

  1. Unopened packaging: The item is still in its original packaging, but it may have some minor damage or defects.
  2. Minor flaws: The item may have some minor cosmetic flaws, such as scratches, dents, or minor wear and tear.
  3. No returns: Since the item is new, it's usually not returnable, so make sure you're comfortable with the purchase before bidding or buying.
  4. Lower price: Since the item is not in perfect condition, the seller may offer it at a lower price to attract more buyers.
  5. Warranty: The item may still be under warranty, but the seller may not be able to provide a full refund or replacement if it's defective.

Examples of items that may be listed as "New Other" on Ebay include:

  1. Electronics: New, unopened electronics, such as smartphones, laptops, or tablets, that may have minor cosmetic flaws.
  2. Toys and games: New, unopened toys or games that may have minor packaging damage or defects.
  3. Fashion items: New, unopened clothing, shoes, or accessories that may have minor flaws, such as small stains or missing tags.
  4. Home goods: New, unopened home goods, such as kitchenware, bedding, or linens, that may have minor defects or packaging damage.
  5. Collectibles: New, unopened collectibles, such as coins, stamps, or figurines, that may have minor flaws or defects.

When buying an item listed as "New Other" on Ebay, make sure to:

  1. Read the description carefully: Understand the condition of the item and any flaws it may have.
  2. Check the photos: Look for any signs of damage or defects in the photos provided by the seller.
  3. Ask questions: Contact the seller if you have any questions or concerns about the item.
  4. Check the return policy: Make sure you understand the seller's return policy and any conditions that apply.

By being aware of the characteristics of "New Other" items on Ebay, you can make informed purchasing decisions and find great deals on brand new items with minor flaws.