What is live news

Live news refers to news that is broadcast or published in real-time, as it is happening. This means that the news is reported and transmitted to the public immediately, without any delay or editing. Live news can take many forms, including:

  1. Live television broadcasts: News programs that are broadcast live, often featuring breaking news, live coverage of events, and live interviews with newsmakers.
  2. Online live streams: News organizations that stream live video and audio content online, often featuring live coverage of events, press conferences, and breaking news.
  3. Social media live streams: News organizations and journalists that use social media platforms to broadcast live video and audio content, often featuring breaking news, live coverage of events, and live interviews.
  4. Radio broadcasts: Live radio broadcasts that feature breaking news, live coverage of events, and live interviews with newsmakers.
  5. Online news articles: News articles that are published online in real-time, often featuring breaking news, live updates, and live coverage of events.

Live news is often used to cover breaking news, such as:

The benefits of live news include:

However, live news also has its limitations, including: