What is human interest news

Human interest news, also known as soft news or feature news, is a type of news reporting that focuses on the personal stories and experiences of individuals, rather than on hard news or breaking news. It typically involves in-depth reporting on topics such as:

  1. Human drama: Stories about people's struggles, triumphs, and challenges, often with a emotional or inspirational tone.
  2. Profiles: In-depth profiles of individuals, including their backgrounds, achievements, and personal stories.
  3. Features: Articles or segments that explore a particular topic or issue, often with a human interest angle.
  4. Human interest stories: Stories that highlight the achievements, accomplishments, or struggles of ordinary people, often with a focus on their personal stories and experiences.

Human interest news can take many forms, including:

  1. Profiles of everyday people who have achieved something remarkable, such as overcoming a disability or achieving a remarkable feat.
  2. Stories about people who are making a difference in their communities, such as volunteers, activists, or entrepreneurs.
  3. In-depth reporting on social issues, such as poverty, healthcare, education, or environmental concerns, with a focus on the human impact.
  4. Human interest stories about animals, pets, or wildlife, often with a focus on their relationships with their human caregivers.
  5. Lighthearted or humorous stories, such as profiles of quirky individuals or unusual hobbies.

The goals of human interest news are to:

  1. Engage audiences: Human interest stories can be more relatable and engaging than hard news, as they often focus on personal experiences and emotions.
  2. Build empathy: By sharing the stories of ordinary people, human interest news can help audiences develop a deeper understanding of and connection to the people and issues being reported on.
  3. Provide a break from hard news: Human interest news can offer a respite from the constant stream of breaking news and hard news, providing a more uplifting or inspiring alternative.
  4. Highlight the human side of news: Human interest news can help to humanize news stories, making them more accessible and relatable to audiences.

Examples of human interest news include: