What is hard news and soft news

In journalism, news can be broadly categorized into two types: hard news and soft news.

Hard News:

Hard news, also known as hard news or hard news reporting, refers to factual, objective, and timely reports on significant events, issues, or crises that have a direct impact on people's lives. Hard news stories typically:

  1. Report on breaking news, such as natural disasters, accidents, or political crises.
  2. Focus on facts, figures, and data to provide a clear understanding of the situation.
  3. Are often written in a straightforward, concise, and objective style.
  4. May involve investigative reporting, interviews with experts, and analysis of complex issues.
  5. Typically have a serious tone and are intended to inform readers about important events or issues.

Examples of hard news stories:

Soft News:

Soft news, also known as soft news reporting, refers to stories that are more lighthearted, human-interest focused, and often feature personalities, trends, or entertainment. Soft news stories typically:

  1. Focus on people, their stories, and their experiences.
  2. May include features, profiles, or human-interest stories.
  3. Are often written in a more conversational, engaging, and entertaining style.
  4. May involve interviews with celebrities, athletes, or other public figures.
  5. Typically have a more relaxed tone and are intended to entertain, inform, or inspire readers.

Examples of soft news stories:

It's worth noting that these categories are not mutually exclusive, and many news stories can blend elements of both hard and soft news. Additionally, the distinction between hard and soft news can vary depending on the publication, audience, and context.