What is google news initiative

The Google News Initiative (GNI) is a global effort by Google to support the news industry and promote high-quality journalism. Launched in 2018, the initiative aims to help news organizations adapt to the changing media landscape, improve their digital presence, and increase their online revenue.

The GNI focuses on three main areas:

  1. Journalism: Providing funding and resources to support high-quality journalism, including investigative reporting, local news, and fact-checking initiatives.
  2. Technology: Developing and sharing innovative technologies to help news organizations improve their digital operations, such as machine learning-based tools for content recommendation and audience engagement.
  3. Business: Offering training, resources, and funding to help news organizations diversify their revenue streams, improve their digital advertising capabilities, and build sustainable business models.

Some of the specific initiatives and programs under the GNI umbrella include:

The Google News Initiative has partnered with various organizations, including news organizations, universities, and non-profit organizations, to support its efforts. Some of the notable partners include:

Overall, the Google News Initiative aims to promote high-quality journalism, support the news industry, and help news organizations thrive in the digital age.