What is deal breakers

A "deal breaker" is a term used to describe a characteristic, behavior, or trait that is so unacceptable or unappealing to someone that it would cause them to end a relationship, whether romantic, platonic, or professional. In other words, it's something that is so significant that it would be impossible for the person to continue the relationship or partnership.

Deal breakers can vary greatly from person to person and can be influenced by cultural, personal, or societal factors. Here are some common examples of deal breakers:

Romantic relationships:

  1. Infidelity or dishonesty
  2. Abuse (physical, emotional, or verbal)
  3. Lack of communication or intimacy
  4. Different values or beliefs
  5. Unwillingness to compromise or work through issues
  6. Unhealthy or addictive behaviors (e.g., substance abuse)
  7. Unacceptable lifestyle choices (e.g., excessive partying)
  8. Unwillingness to commit or plan for the future
  9. Different long-term goals or aspirations
  10. Unacceptable treatment of others (e.g., disrespect, cruelty)

Professional relationships:

  1. Unprofessional behavior or attitude
  2. Lack of accountability or responsibility
  3. Incompetence or poor work quality
  4. Dishonesty or lack of transparency
  5. Unwillingness to learn or adapt
  6. Unhealthy work environment or culture
  7. Conflicting values or ethics
  8. Unwillingness to collaborate or communicate effectively
  9. Unacceptable treatment of colleagues or clients
  10. Unprofessional use of company resources or time


  1. Unreliability or flakiness
  2. Lack of empathy or understanding
  3. Gossiping or spreading rumors
  4. Unwillingness to listen or compromise
  5. Different values or beliefs
  6. Unhealthy or toxic behavior
  7. Unwillingness to support or encourage
  8. Unacceptable treatment of others
  9. Unwillingness to communicate openly and honestly
  10. Unprofessional or unrespectful behavior

Remember that deal breakers are highly personal and can vary greatly from person to person. What may be a deal breaker for one person may not be for another. It's essential to communicate your non-negotiables and boundaries clearly with others to ensure a healthy and fulfilling relationship.