What is atm skimming nyongesa sande

ATM skimming is a type of fraud where a criminal attaches a fake card reader or keypad to an ATM, allowing them to capture your card information and PIN. This is often done to steal your account information and use it to make fraudulent transactions.

Here's how it typically works:

  1. The criminal installs a fake card reader or keypad on top of the real one, making it look like the normal ATM interface.
  2. When you insert your card and enter your PIN, the fake reader captures your card information and PIN.
  3. The criminal can then use the stolen information to create a fake card or make online transactions.

ATM skimming is a common type of fraud, and it's often difficult to detect. However, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself:

  1. Be cautious when using ATMs, especially if they look tampered with or are located in isolated areas.
  2. Check the ATM for any signs of tampering, such as scratches, stickers, or unusual attachments.
  3. Cover the keypad with your free hand when entering your PIN to prevent cameras or onlookers from seeing your PIN.
  4. Use a credit card with a chip instead of a debit card, as chip cards are more secure.
  5. Monitor your account statements regularly to detect any suspicious transactions.

It's also important to report any suspicious activity to the bank or financial institution that issued your card.

As for Nyongesa Sande, I couldn't find any information on a specific individual by that name. It's possible that you may have come across a news article or report about a person involved in ATM skimming, but without more context, it's difficult to say for certain.