What is a slug line in a news release

In a news release, a slug line, also known as a headline or title, is a brief summary of the main topic or story. It's usually the first thing that grabs the reader's attention and is often used by journalists, editors, and online search engines to quickly identify the content of the release.

A good slug line should be:

  1. Concise: Short and to the point, typically no more than 5-7 words.
  2. Accurate: Reflects the main topic or theme of the release.
  3. Compelling: Entices the reader to read further.
  4. Search engine friendly: Includes relevant keywords that can help the release appear in search engine results.

Here are some examples of slug lines:

The slug line is often used in various ways, including:

  1. Headline: Appears at the top of the news release.
  2. Search engine optimization (SEO): Helps the release appear in search engine results.
  3. Summary: Provides a brief overview of the release for readers who want to quickly scan the content.
  4. Indexing: Helps journalists and editors quickly identify the topic and relevance of the release.

Remember, the slug line is a crucial element in a news release, as it sets the tone and direction for the rest of the content.