What is a feature news

Feature news, also known as in-depth reporting or long-form journalism, refers to a type of news article or broadcast that provides a detailed and comprehensive examination of a particular topic, issue, or story. Feature news stories often go beyond the basic facts and provide context, analysis, and insights to help readers or viewers understand the significance and implications of the story.

Feature news stories can take many forms, including:

  1. Investigative reporting: In-depth investigations into specific issues or topics, often involving extensive research and interviews.
  2. Profile pieces: In-depth profiles of individuals, organizations, or communities, highlighting their stories, achievements, and challenges.
  3. Trend pieces: Articles or broadcasts that explore emerging trends, issues, or phenomena, providing context and analysis.
  4. Human-interest stories: Stories that focus on the personal experiences and stories of individuals, often highlighting their struggles, triumphs, and resilience.
  5. Analysis pieces: Articles or broadcasts that provide expert analysis and commentary on current events, issues, or topics.

The key characteristics of feature news stories include:

  1. Depth and complexity: Feature news stories often involve complex issues, multiple perspectives, and nuanced analysis.
  2. Context and background: Feature news stories provide context and background information to help readers or viewers understand the story.
  3. Human interest: Feature news stories often focus on the human impact of a story, highlighting the people and communities affected.
  4. In-depth reporting: Feature news stories involve extensive research, interviews, and reporting to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  5. Storytelling: Feature news stories often use narrative techniques, such as storytelling and anecdotes, to engage readers or viewers and convey the significance of the story.

Examples of feature news stories include:

Overall, feature news stories provide a more in-depth and nuanced understanding of the world, helping readers or viewers to better comprehend complex issues and make informed decisions.