What is a deal maker what is a deal breaker

In the context of negotiations, a "deal maker" and a "deal breaker" refer to factors that can either facilitate or hinder the successful conclusion of a deal.

Deal Maker:

A deal maker is a factor that can help to bring the parties together and facilitate a successful agreement. It is something that can overcome objections, address concerns, and create a sense of mutual benefit. Deal makers can be:

Examples of deal makers might include:

Deal Breaker:

A deal breaker is a factor that can prevent a deal from being reached or can cause a deal to fall apart. It is something that can create a significant obstacle or barrier to agreement. Deal breakers can be:

Examples of deal breakers might include:

In negotiations, it's essential to identify deal makers and deal breakers early on to determine whether a deal is possible and to focus on the key issues that need to be addressed.