What is 3 ice breaker

Here are three icebreaker activities that can help to get people talking and laughing:

  1. Two Truths and a Lie:

Each person tells two true statements about themselves and one false statement. The others have to guess which one is the lie. This game is a great way to learn interesting facts about each other and can lead to some fun and surprising revelations.

Example: "I have traveled to another country, I can play the guitar, and I have a pet elephant."

  1. Human Bingo:

Create bingo cards with different traits, characteristics, or interests in each square (e.g. "has traveled to another country", "speaks more than one language", "has a tattoo", etc.). Each person has to find someone who fits each of the characteristics and get them to sign the corresponding square. This game is a great way to encourage people to mingle and talk to each other.

  1. The Name Game:

Have each person introduce themselves and share a unique fact or interest that starts with the same letter as their name (e.g. "Hi, I'm Sarah and I love sailing"). Then, go around the circle and have each person repeat the name and fact of the person who introduced themselves before them. For example, "Sarah loves sailing, and I'm John and I love jogging". This game is a fun way to help people remember each other's names and learn interesting facts about each other.

These icebreaker activities are designed to be fun, engaging, and easy to understand, making them perfect for groups of people who don't know each other well.