What happened on 25 august

There have been many significant events that occurred on August 25 throughout history. Here are a few:

  1. 1499 - The Treaty of Basel is signed, ending the Swabian War.
  2. 1814 - The Treaty of Paris is signed, officially ending the Napoleonic Wars.
  3. 1830 - The Belgian Revolution begins, leading to the independence of Belgium from the Netherlands.
  4. 1883 - Mount Krakatau in Indonesia erupts, causing massive destruction and loss of life.
  5. 1914 - The Battle of the Frontiers begins, a series of battles fought along the borders of France and Germany during World War I.
  6. 1944 - The United States and the Philippines begin the Battle of Manila, a brutal and bloody battle that lasted for 29 days.
  7. 1960 - The Congo Crisis begins, a period of political instability and violence in the newly independent Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  8. 1978 - The Camp David Accords are signed, a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt brokered by US President Jimmy Carter.
  9. 1985 - The Philippine Airlines Boeing 747 is hijacked by a group of Muslim extremists, leading to a 12-day standoff.
  10. 2005 - Hurricane Katrina makes landfall in Louisiana, causing widespread destruction and flooding in New Orleans and other parts of the Gulf Coast.
  11. 2012 - The United States and Israel conduct a joint military exercise, Operation Juniper Cobra, in response to the Iranian nuclear program.
  12. 2017 - Hurricane Harvey makes landfall in Texas, causing widespread flooding and damage in Houston and other parts of the state.

These are just a few of the many significant events that have occurred on August 25 throughout history.