What happened on 13 july

There have been many significant events that occurred on July 13th throughout history. Here are a few:

  1. 1099 - First Crusade: Godfrey of Bouillon is elected the first King of Jerusalem.
  2. 1290 - Edward I of England issues the Edict of Expulsion, ordering all Jews to leave England by January 1, 1293.
  3. 1499 - The Swiss Confederation is formed.
  4. 1774 - The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms.
  5. 1863 - The New York City Draft Riots begin, lasting for four days and resulting in the deaths of over 100 people.
  6. 1919 - The Paris Peace Conference opens, with representatives from 32 countries meeting to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles.
  7. 1933 - The first drive-in movie theater opens in Camden, New Jersey.
  8. 1942 - The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Lend-Lease Agreement, allowing the two countries to share military equipment and supplies.
  9. 1960 - The United States launches the Explorer 10 spacecraft, which becomes the first spacecraft to study the Earth's magnetosphere.
  10. 1985 - The Live Aid concerts are held in London and Philadelphia, featuring performances by some of the biggest names in music, including Queen, U2, and David Bowie.
  11. 1990 - The United States and the Soviet Union sign the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), reducing the number of nuclear weapons held by each country.
  12. 2013 - The United States and Russia sign the New START treaty, reducing the number of nuclear weapons held by each country.

These are just a few of the many events that have occurred on July 13th throughout history.