What does the new testament say about cousin marriage

The New Testament does not explicitly mention cousin marriage, but it does provide guidance on marriage and family relationships that can be applied to cousin marriage.

Here are some relevant passages:

  1. Leviticus 18:6-18: This passage, which is part of the Old Testament, prohibits marrying a close relative, including a cousin. However, this passage is not directly quoted or referenced in the New Testament.
  2. Matthew 19:4-6: Jesus quotes Genesis 2:24, which says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Jesus uses this passage to teach that marriage is a lifelong union between one man and one woman.
  3. Mark 7:10-13: Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 24:1-4, which prohibits marrying a brother's wife or a sister who is married to another man. While this passage does not specifically mention cousin marriage, it emphasizes the importance of respecting family relationships and not marrying within certain degrees of kinship.
  4. Romans 7:1-6: Paul uses the analogy of marriage to describe the relationship between Christ and the church. He emphasizes the importance of unity and commitment in marriage, but does not provide specific guidance on cousin marriage.
  5. 1 Corinthians 7:1-40: Paul provides guidance on marriage and singleness, but does not specifically address cousin marriage.

In summary, while the New Testament does not explicitly prohibit cousin marriage, it emphasizes the importance of respecting family relationships, unity, and commitment in marriage. It also quotes and references Old Testament passages that prohibit marrying close relatives, including cousins.

It's worth noting that the early Christian church did not have a specific doctrine or practice regarding cousin marriage. The church's focus was on the gospel and the teachings of Jesus, rather than on specific social or cultural practices like marriage.

In modern times, many Christian denominations and churches have developed their own teachings and practices regarding cousin marriage, which may vary depending on their theological and cultural contexts. Some may view cousin marriage as acceptable, while others may prohibit it or encourage couples to seek genetic counseling before marrying. Ultimately, the decision to marry a cousin or not is a personal choice that should be made with careful consideration of one's faith, values, and circumstances.