What does it mean to rack out a breaker

A very specific and technical question!

To "rack out a breaker" is a term commonly used in electrical power distribution systems, particularly in industrial and commercial settings. It refers to the process of manually tripping or opening a circuit breaker, which is a safety device designed to interrupt the flow of electrical current in a circuit.

Here's what it means:

  1. Racking: In electrical systems, a breaker is typically mounted in a panel or enclosure, and it has a handle or lever that can be moved to open or close the breaker. The process of moving this handle or lever is called "racking" the breaker.
  2. Out: When you "rack out" a breaker, you are manually tripping or opening the breaker by moving the handle or lever to the "off" position. This disconnects the electrical circuit and prevents any further flow of current.

Racking out a breaker is often done for safety reasons, such as:

In summary, racking out a breaker means manually tripping or opening a circuit breaker to disconnect the electrical circuit and prevent any further flow of current.