What are the new english words

What a great question!

The English language is constantly evolving, and new words are being added all the time. Here are some recent additions to the English language, categorized by theme:


  1. Hashtag (#) - a symbol used to categorize and make posts searchable on social media.
  2. Selfie - a photograph taken of oneself.
  3. Emoji (Emoji) - a small digital image or icon used to express emotion in electronic communication.
  4. Algorithm - a set of instructions used to solve a problem or make a decision.
  5. Phishing - the act of attempting to obtain sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity.

Social Media

  1. Troll - a person who posts inflammatory or off-topic comments online.
  2. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - anxiety or apprehension caused by the fear of missing out on social events or experiences.
  3. Hashtag activism - the use of social media to raise awareness and support for social causes.
  4. Vlog - a video blog or online video diary.
  5. Influencer - a person who has built a large following on social media and uses their influence to promote products or services.

Food and Drink

  1. Foodie - a person who has a strong interest in food and enjoys trying new cuisines.
  2. Brunch - a meal eaten between breakfast and lunch.
  3. Foodstagram - a photograph of food posted on Instagram.
  4. Matcha - a type of green tea.
  5. Avocado toast - toasted bread topped with mashed avocado.

Environment and Sustainability

  1. Climate change - a long-term change in the Earth's climate caused by human activities.
  2. Sustainability - the ability to be maintained at a certain level without depleting natural resources.
  3. Eco-friendly - environmentally friendly or sustainable.
  4. Carbon footprint - the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an individual, organization, or product.
  5. Zero-waste - a lifestyle that aims to produce no waste or minimize waste as much as possible.

Health and Wellness

  1. Mental health - the state of being mentally well or healthy.
  2. Self-care - activities or practices that promote physical and mental well-being.
  3. Wellness - a state of overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  4. Mindfulness - the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment.
  5. Gut health - the health of the digestive system and the gut microbiome.


  1. Lit - exciting or fun.
  2. Lowkey/Highkey - used to express a subtle or intense feeling about something.
  3. Savage - someone who is ruthless or brutally honest.
  4. Tea - gossip or juicy information.
  5. Yaaas/Yikes - used to express strong approval or disapproval.

These are just a few examples of new English words and phrases that have emerged in recent years. The language is constantly evolving, and new words are being added all the time!