What's the time in new york city

I'd be happy to help! However, I need to know which time zone you're referring to. New York City is located in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) and observes daylight saving time (DST). During standard time, New York City is UTC-5 hours, and during DST, it's UTC-4 hours.

If you want to know the current time in New York City, I can give you the answer. But if you want to know the time in a specific city or location within New York City, please let me know and I'll do my best to provide the correct information.

Here's the current time in New York City:

Standard Time (UTC-5): [Insert current time]

Daylight Saving Time (UTC-4): [Insert current time]

Please note that the time may change depending on the time of year and whether DST is in effect.