What's the meaning of deal breaker

A "deal breaker" is a term used to describe something that is a major obstacle or a significant problem that prevents a person from agreeing to a deal, proposal, or relationship. It's something that is so important or non-negotiable that it's impossible to overlook or compromise on.

In other words, a deal breaker is a condition or requirement that, if not met, would cause someone to walk away from a potential opportunity, partnership, or relationship. It's a non-negotiable point that cannot be compromised or sacrificed.

Here are some examples of deal breakers in different contexts:

  1. In a romantic relationship: If someone has a strong aversion to children, for instance, and their partner wants to have kids, it could be a deal breaker.
  2. In a business deal: If a company requires a significant upfront payment, and the other party cannot afford it, it could be a deal breaker.
  3. In a job interview: If a candidate has a strong preference for a specific work-life balance, and the company culture does not align with that, it could be a deal breaker.
  4. In a friendship: If someone has a strong dislike for a particular hobby or activity, and their friend insists on doing it regularly, it could be a deal breaker.

Deal breakers can be specific to an individual or a group, and they can vary greatly depending on the context and the people involved.