Wfp news

Here are some recent news updates from the World Food Programme (WFP):

Latest News

  1. WFP Warns of Famine in Yemen: The WFP has warned that Yemen is on the brink of famine, with over 17 million people facing severe food insecurity. The agency is appealing for urgent funding to support its operations in the country. (Source: WFP News)
  2. WFP Launches Emergency Response in Mozambique: The WFP has launched an emergency response in Mozambique to support those affected by Cyclone Idai, which has left thousands of people displaced and in need of food assistance. (Source: WFP News)
  3. WFP and Partners Launch New Initiative to End Hunger: The WFP, along with other partners, has launched a new initiative to end hunger by 2030. The initiative aims to reduce hunger and malnutrition by improving access to nutritious food and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. (Source: WFP News)
  4. WFP Warns of Food Shortages in South Sudan: The WFP has warned of severe food shortages in South Sudan, where over 6 million people are facing food insecurity. The agency is appealing for funding to support its operations in the country. (Source: WFP News)
  5. WFP and UNICEF Launch Joint Response to Malnutrition in Somalia: The WFP and UNICEF have launched a joint response to address malnutrition in Somalia, where over 1 million children are at risk of severe malnutrition. The response includes the distribution of ready-to-use therapeutic food and other nutrition interventions. (Source: WFP News)

Recent Reports

  1. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019: The WFP has released its annual report on the state of food security and nutrition in the world. The report highlights the progress made in reducing hunger and malnutrition, but also notes that many countries are still struggling to achieve food security. (Source: WFP Report)
  2. The Impact of Conflict on Food Security: The WFP has released a report on the impact of conflict on food security. The report highlights the devastating effects of conflict on food systems and the need for urgent action to address the crisis. (Source: WFP Report)

Upcoming Events

  1. WFP Executive Board Meeting: The WFP Executive Board will meet in Rome, Italy, from June 24-27 to discuss the agency's operations and budget. (Source: WFP Calendar)
  2. Global Food Security Forum: The WFP will host a global food security forum in Rome, Italy, from July 1-3 to discuss the latest trends and challenges in food security. (Source: WFP Calendar)

I hope this information is helpful!