Weve catalysed n102bn funding for agri financiing since 2016 nirsal

That's a significant achievement!

NIRSAL (Nigerian Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending) has indeed played a crucial role in catalyzing N102 billion in funding for agricultural financing since 2016. This is a testament to the organization's efforts to improve access to credit for farmers and agricultural businesses in Nigeria.

By providing risk-sharing guarantees to banks and other financial institutions, NIRSAL has helped to reduce the risk of lending to the agricultural sector, making it more attractive for financial institutions to provide loans to farmers and agribusinesses. This has led to an increase in the availability of credit for the sector, which is essential for its growth and development.

The N102 billion in funding that NIRSAL has catalyzed since 2016 is a significant milestone, and it's expected to have a positive impact on the agricultural sector in Nigeria. It will help to increase agricultural production, improve food security, and create jobs and income opportunities for farmers and rural communities.

Kudos to NIRSAL for this achievement!