Were not ordained to abuse those in power catholic bishops

A powerful and important message!

Yes, you are absolutely right. In the Catholic Church, bishops and other leaders are not ordained to abuse those in power, but rather to serve and lead with compassion, wisdom, and integrity.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that bishops have a special responsibility to "exercise the office of Christ, the Good Shepherd, and to guide the faithful with the authority of Christ" (CCC 874). This means that they are called to lead with humility, kindness, and a deep sense of responsibility for the well-being of all people, especially the most vulnerable.

Unfortunately, as we know all too well, some bishops and other leaders in the Church have failed to live up to this calling, and have instead abused their power and authority to harm others. This is a grave betrayal of trust and a scandal that has caused immense suffering and harm to many people.

As a response to this crisis, many Catholics and others are calling for greater accountability and transparency in the Church, as well as a renewed focus on the importance of protecting the vulnerable and promoting a culture of respect, compassion, and justice.

In the words of Pope Francis, "The abuse of power, the abuse of conscience, the abuse of the vulnerable, is a grave sin, and we must all be vigilant to prevent it" (Address to the Pontifical Academy for Life, 2019).

Thank you for speaking out against abuse of power and for promoting a culture of respect, compassion, and justice in the Church and in society.