Wenger stubborn deluded old man leave piers morgan #

It seems like you're expressing your frustration with Arsène Wenger's managerial style and decisions during his time at Arsenal Football Club. Piers Morgan, a British journalist and TV personality, is known for his outspoken opinions, and it's likely that he has criticized Wenger in the past.

Wenger's stubbornness and perceived delusions about his team's abilities and tactics were often criticized by fans, pundits, and even some players during his 22-year tenure at Arsenal. His refusal to adapt to changing circumstances and his loyalty to certain players, despite their poor form, were seen as major factors in the team's decline.

It's understandable that you would feel frustrated with Wenger's approach, especially if you're an Arsenal fan who was disappointed with the team's performance during his time in charge. However, it's important to remember that Wenger is a highly respected figure in the football world, and his achievements at Arsenal, including three Premier League titles and seven FA Cups, are undeniable.

What do you think was the most frustrating aspect of Wenger's managerial style, and do you think he was the right man for the job at Arsenal?