Wenger says he has not seen ozil for a week now #comments

It seems like there's some drama brewing in the world of football!

Arsene Wenger, the former manager of Arsenal, has reportedly not seen Mesut Ozil, the German midfielder, for a week now. This news has sparked a lot of speculation and debate among fans and pundits alike.

Some people are wondering what's going on behind the scenes, while others are speculating about Ozil's future at the club. Has he fallen out with Wenger? Is he injured? Has he been dropped from the team?

Whatever the reason, it's clear that there's some tension between the two. As a fan, it's always unsettling to see your favorite players and coaches at odds with each other.

What do you think is going on? Should Ozil be given more playing time? Should Wenger be more involved in the team's decision-making process? Let's hear your thoughts!