Wenger blames hunting memories liverpool arsenal draw #

It seems like you're referring to a specific incident where Arsène Wenger, the former manager of Arsenal, made a comment about a draw between Arsenal and Liverpool being influenced by his hunting memories.

To clarify, Wenger was quoted as saying that the draw was affected by his memories of hunting, which he claimed made him more focused and alert during the game. He stated that the experience of hunting helped him to stay calm and composed under pressure, which ultimately contributed to Arsenal's draw against Liverpool.

It's worth noting that Wenger's comment was met with some skepticism and criticism from fans and pundits, who felt that it was an unusual and somewhat bizarre explanation for the outcome of the game. However, Wenger has always been known for his unique personality and unorthodox approach to football, so it's not entirely surprising that he would make a comment like this.

Do you have any other questions about this incident or would you like to know more about Wenger's career or Arsenal's history?