Welcome new pastor announcement

Here's a sample welcome announcement for a new pastor:

Welcome Our New Pastor!

We are thrilled to announce that [New Pastor's Name] has joined our church family as our new pastor! We are excited to have them on board and look forward to the many ways they will serve and lead our congregation.

A Little About Our New Pastor

[New Pastor's Name] comes to us with [number] years of experience in ministry, most recently serving at [previous church]. They have a passion for [specific area of ministry or interest], and are committed to building strong relationships with our congregation.

What to Expect

In the coming weeks and months, you can expect to see [New Pastor's Name] leading worship services, preaching, and getting to know our church family. They will also be involved in various outreach and community programs, and will be available to meet with individuals and small groups to discuss their spiritual journeys.

Join Us for a Welcome Reception

We invite you to join us for a welcome reception to celebrate [New Pastor's Name]'s arrival. The reception will be held on [date] at [time] in [location]. We will have refreshments, music, and an opportunity to meet our new pastor and their family.

Pray for Our New Pastor

As we welcome [New Pastor's Name] to our church family, we ask that you join us in praying for them and their family. Pray for their spiritual guidance, wisdom, and strength as they serve our congregation. Pray also for our church family, that we may be open to the Holy Spirit's leading and guidance as we work together to build a strong and vibrant community of faith.

Contact Information

If you would like to reach out to [New Pastor's Name] or schedule a meeting, please contact the church office at [phone number] or [email address].

We are excited to have [New Pastor's Name] join our church family and look forward to the many blessings they will bring!