Weird odd news

Here are some weird and odd news stories from around the world:

  1. Man arrested for trying to pay for McDonald's with a live chicken: A man in Florida was arrested after attempting to pay for his McDonald's meal with a live chicken. The cashier refused the payment and called the police, who arrived to find the man trying to hand over the chicken. (Source: CNN)
  2. Woman gives birth to 14-pound baby: A woman in Texas gave birth to a 14-pound baby, making it one of the largest babies ever born in the United States. The baby's father said he was "shocked" by the baby's size. (Source: Fox News)
  3. Man sets Guinness World Record for most hamburgers eaten in one sitting: A man in California set a new Guinness World Record by eating 120 hamburgers in one sitting. The record was set at a burger joint in Los Angeles. (Source: Guinness World Records)
  4. Cat becomes mayor of a small town in Russia: A cat named Seryozha was elected mayor of a small town in Russia, despite not being able to speak or perform any official duties. The town's residents voted for the cat as a joke, but the cat's owner has been taking the role seriously. (Source: The Guardian)
  5. Man builds a working toilet out of a cardboard box: A man in the UK built a working toilet out of a cardboard box, complete with a flushing mechanism and a seat. The toilet was built as a prank for his friends, but it ended up working surprisingly well. (Source: The Telegraph)
  6. Woman finds a 2,000-year-old Roman coin in her backyard: A woman in the UK found a 2,000-year-old Roman coin in her backyard while gardening. The coin is believed to be worth thousands of pounds and is being kept in a museum. (Source: BBC News)
  7. Man sets fire to his own house to get out of paying taxes: A man in the US set fire to his own house to avoid paying taxes. The fire was extinguished quickly, and the man was arrested and charged with arson. (Source: NBC News)
  8. Cat becomes a social media influencer with over 1 million followers: A cat named Lil Bub has become a social media influencer with over 1 million followers on Instagram. The cat's owner posts pictures and videos of the cat's adorable antics, and the cat has become a beloved internet celebrity. (Source: People Magazine)
  9. Man builds a working robot out of a vacuum cleaner and a toaster: A man in the US built a working robot out of a vacuum cleaner and a toaster. The robot, called "Toasty," can move around and perform tasks using its vacuum cleaner and toaster parts. (Source: CNET)
  10. Woman finds a 3,000-year-old mummy in her attic: A woman in the UK found a 3,000-year-old mummy in her attic while cleaning out her home. The mummy is believed to be an ancient Egyptian and is being kept in a museum. (Source: The Daily Mail)

These are just a few examples of the weird and odd news stories that have been reported around the world.