Weird news in africa

Africa has its fair share of unusual and bizarre news stories! Here are some weird news stories from Africa:

  1. Giant Python Found in a Toilet: In 2019, a 20-foot-long python was discovered in a toilet in a residential area in Lagos, Nigeria. The snake was reportedly living in the toilet for months before it was discovered.
  2. Zombie-Like Fish Found in Lake Victoria: In 2019, a strange phenomenon was reported in Lake Victoria, where thousands of fish were found floating dead with their eyes and mouths open, giving them a "zombie-like" appearance. The cause of the deaths was unknown.
  3. Man Marries a Tree: In 2019, a 25-year-old man in Ghana married a tree in a bizarre ceremony. The man, who claimed to be a spiritual leader, said the tree was his soulmate and that they would have children together.
  4. Snake Found in a Church: In 2018, a 6-foot-long snake was found in a church in Nigeria. The snake was reportedly living in the church's choir loft and was discovered by a worshipper.
  5. Man Eats a Live Octopus: In 2018, a man in South Africa was rushed to the hospital after eating a live octopus. The man, who was trying to prove his bravery, reportedly ate the octopus whole, including its tentacles.
  6. Giant Spider Found in a Hospital: In 2017, a giant spider was found in a hospital in Kenya. The spider, which was reportedly as big as a human hand, was discovered in a patient's room.
  7. Man Claims to be a Reincarnated Jesus: In 2019, a man in South Africa claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. The man, who was reportedly born with a rare condition that made him look like Jesus, claimed to have supernatural powers.
  8. Snake Found in a School: In 2018, a snake was found in a school in Nigeria. The snake, which was reportedly a venomous species, was discovered in a classroom by a student.
  9. Man Marries a Doll: In 2018, a man in South Africa married a doll in a bizarre ceremony. The man, who claimed to be a spiritual leader, said the doll was his soulmate and that they would have children together.
  10. Giant Crocodile Found in a River: In 2019, a giant crocodile was found in a river in Tanzania. The crocodile, which was reportedly over 20 feet long, was discovered by a group of fishermen.

These are just a few examples of the weird and bizarre news stories that have made headlines in Africa.