Weird news around the world

The weird and wonderful world of news! Here are some bizarre stories from around the globe:

1. Japan: Man arrested for stealing 17,000 pairs of underwear (Source: BBC News) A 34-year-old man in Japan was arrested for stealing over 17,000 pairs of underwear from homes and laundry facilities. The motive? He wanted to collect them for his own "underwear museum."

2. India: Woman gives birth to 14-pound baby (Source: CNN) A 25-year-old woman in India gave birth to a 14-pound (6.3 kg) baby, making it one of the heaviest newborns in the country's history. The baby's father said, "We were shocked when we saw the baby's size. We thought it was a miracle."

3. Australia: Man finds 1,000-year-old Viking sword in backyard (Source: The Guardian) A 75-year-old man in Australia was digging in his backyard when he stumbled upon a 1,000-year-old Viking sword. Archaeologists believe the sword may have been lost during a Viking raid in the 11th century.

4. China: Man builds 10-story pagoda out of 1 million beer bottles (Source: The Telegraph) A 55-year-old man in China built a 10-story pagoda using over 1 million beer bottles. The structure is 65 feet (20 meters) tall and took him 10 years to complete.

5. USA: Woman sues McDonald's for serving her a 'spicy' McRib (Source: Fox News) A woman in the United States is suing McDonald's for serving her a "spicy" McRib sandwich, claiming it caused her to break out in hives and experience stomach pain. The lawsuit seeks $50,000 in damages.

6. Russia: Man sets new record for longest fingernails ever recorded (Source: Guinness World Records) A 60-year-old man in Russia has set a new record for the longest fingernails ever recorded, with his longest nail measuring over 909 cm (358.5 inches) long.

7. South Africa: Man arrested for stealing 300 chickens (Source: News24) A 35-year-old man in South Africa was arrested for stealing 300 chickens from a farm. The motive? He wanted to sell them at a local market.

8. UK: Woman finds 2,000-year-old Roman coin in her garden (Source: The Mirror) A woman in the UK was digging in her garden when she stumbled upon a 2,000-year-old Roman coin. Archaeologists believe the coin may have been lost during a Roman invasion.

9. Canada: Man builds a 30-foot-tall snowman (Source: CBC News) A man in Canada built a 30-foot-tall snowman in his backyard, breaking the previous record for the tallest snowman in the world.

10. Brazil: Man arrested for stealing 100,000 pairs of socks (Source: The Guardian) A 40-year-old man in Brazil was arrested for stealing over 100,000 pairs of socks from a warehouse. The motive? He wanted to sell them online.

These stories are sure to make you laugh, cry, or scratch your head in wonder!