Weird news abc

Weird news! Here are some bizarre and unusual stories from ABC News:

  1. Man arrested for trying to pay for McDonald's with a live chicken: A man in Florida was arrested after attempting to pay for his McDonald's meal with a live chicken. The cashier refused the unusual payment method, and the man was taken into custody. (Source: ABC News)
  2. Woman finds 12-foot python in her kitchen: A woman in Australia woke up to find a 12-foot python slithering through her kitchen. The snake was later removed by wildlife experts. (Source: ABC News)
  3. Man gets stuck in a vending machine: A man in China became stuck in a vending machine after trying to retrieve a snack. He was rescued by firefighters after being trapped for several hours. (Source: ABC News)
  4. Cat survives 10-story fall from apartment building: A cat in New York City fell from the 10th floor of an apartment building, but miraculously survived the fall. The cat was found with only minor injuries. (Source: ABC News)
  5. Man tries to break world record for most hamburgers eaten in one sitting: A man in the UK attempted to break the world record for most hamburgers eaten in one sitting, but ended up vomiting after consuming 21 burgers. (Source: ABC News)
  6. Woman finds 100-year-old letter in her attic: A woman in the UK discovered a 100-year-old letter in her attic, which was written by her great-grandfather during World War I. (Source: ABC News)
  7. Man gets stuck in a tree for 12 hours: A man in California became stuck in a tree after trying to rescue a cat. He was eventually rescued by firefighters after being stuck for 12 hours. (Source: ABC News)
  8. Woman finds a 2-foot-long rat in her kitchen: A woman in the UK discovered a 2-foot-long rat in her kitchen, which was later removed by pest control experts. (Source: ABC News)
  9. Man tries to break world record for most t-shirts worn at once: A man in the US attempted to break the world record for most t-shirts worn at once, but ended up getting stuck in the shirts. (Source: ABC News)
  10. Cat becomes internet sensation for 'talking' to owner: A cat in the US has become an internet sensation after appearing to "talk" to its owner. The cat's owner claims that the cat is saying "I love you" and "good morning." (Source: ABC News)

These are just a few examples of the weird and wonderful news stories that have made headlines recently.