Weird current news

Here are some weird and unusual current news stories:

  1. Giant Squid Washes Up on Beach: A 20-foot-long giant squid was found on a beach in Japan, sparking both fascination and fear among locals. (Source: CNN)
  2. Man Arrested for Trying to Pay for McDonald's with a Chicken: A man in Florida was arrested for attempting to pay for his McDonald's meal with a live chicken. (Source: Fox News)
  3. Woman Gives Birth to 10 Babies: A woman in Malawi gave birth to 10 babies, a rare case of octuplets. (Source: BBC)
  4. Mysterious 'Tic Tac UFOs' Spotted Again: The US Navy has confirmed that the "Tic Tac UFOs" spotted in 2004 have been seen again, this time by a US destroyer. (Source: The New York Times)
  5. Cat Found with 47 Coins in Stomach: A cat in China was found with 47 coins in its stomach, which were likely swallowed by the cat while rummaging through a nearby market. (Source: South China Morning Post)
  6. Man Builds 3D Printed House in 24 Hours: A company in the US has built a 3D printed house in just 24 hours, using a special printer and a mixture of cement and sand. (Source: The Verge)
  7. Giant Inflatable Rat Spotted in London: A giant inflatable rat was spotted in London, sparking both amusement and confusion among passersby. (Source: The Guardian)
  8. Woman Sues Ex-Boyfriend for 'Stealing' Her Emotions: A woman in the US is suing her ex-boyfriend for allegedly "stealing" her emotions and causing her emotional distress. (Source: The Daily Mail)
  9. Mysterious 'Ghost Ship' Washes Up on Beach: A mysterious ship, believed to be from the 19th century, washed up on a beach in the UK, sparking speculation about its origins. (Source: The Telegraph)
  10. Man Arrested for Trying to Sell Fake COVID-19 Vaccines: A man in the US was arrested for attempting to sell fake COVID-19 vaccines online, claiming they were "100% effective." (Source: CNN)

These stories are just a few examples of the weird and unusual news that's out there. Stay curious and keep an eye out for more bizarre news stories!