We will soon report former office holders to icpc if makinde

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, Nigeria. The statement suggests that if he is not re-elected, he will report former office holders in the state to the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC).

It's important to note that the ICPC is an independent anti-corruption agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption in Nigeria. If Governor Makinde makes good on his threat, it could potentially lead to a thorough investigation and prosecution of former office holders who may have engaged in corrupt practices during their tenure.

However, it's also important to ensure that any such investigation is carried out in a fair and transparent manner, and that due process is followed to avoid any perceived witch-hunt or political vendetta.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, and whether Governor Makinde's threat will have any significant impact on the political landscape in Oyo State.