We need to rebuild nigerias reputation nipr tells fg

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or statement made by the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) to the Federal Government (FG) of Nigeria.

For those who may not be aware, NIPR is the umbrella body for public relations professionals in Nigeria, and it's responsible for promoting ethical standards and best practices in the profession.

According to reports, NIPR has called on the FG to take immediate steps to rebuild Nigeria's reputation, which has been tarnished by various issues such as corruption, insecurity, and economic challenges.

In a statement, NIPR's President, Mukhtar Surajo, was quoted as saying that Nigeria's reputation has been severely damaged, and it's essential to take concrete actions to restore it. He emphasized the need for the government to prioritize transparency, accountability, and good governance to regain the trust of the international community and Nigerians alike.

Some of the specific steps NIPR has recommended to the FG include:

  1. Improving transparency and accountability in governance
  2. Enhancing the country's security architecture
  3. Promoting economic diversification and growth
  4. Encouraging foreign investment and tourism
  5. Strengthening the country's institutions and the rule of law

NIPR believes that by taking these steps, Nigeria can regain its lost glory and become a respected nation on the global stage.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think the FG should take immediate action to rebuild Nigeria's reputation?