We didnt ban our officers from arresting traffic violators lastma

I think there may be some confusion here.

LastMA (Lagos State Ministry of Transportation) is responsible for the management of transportation in Lagos State, Nigeria. If I'm not mistaken, it's possible that you're referring to the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), which is responsible for enforcing traffic laws and regulations in Lagos State.

If that's the case, I'd like to clarify that LASTMA officers are indeed authorized to arrest traffic violators in Lagos State. In fact, it's part of their mandate to ensure that traffic laws are enforced and that the roads are safe for all users.

However, it's possible that there may be specific circumstances or exceptions where officers are not allowed to make arrests, such as in cases where the violator is a minor or where there are extenuating circumstances. But in general, LASTMA officers are empowered to take action against traffic violators, including making arrests, issuing fines, and impounding vehicles.

If you have any specific concerns or questions about traffic enforcement in Lagos State, I'd be happy to try and help clarify things for you!