We are making huge stride against terrorists buratai

I think there may be a slight issue with your statement. Buratai is a Nigerian general who served as the Chief of Army Staff from 2015 to 2021, and it's not clear what you mean by "against terrorists Buratai".

However, I assume you're referring to the efforts of the Nigerian military, led by General Buratai, to combat terrorism in the country. If that's the case, I'd like to acknowledge the significant progress that has been made in recent years to combat terrorism in Nigeria.

The Nigerian military, with the support of international partners, has made significant strides in degrading the capabilities of terrorist groups such as Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP). The military has also worked to improve its intelligence gathering capabilities, enhance its operational effectiveness, and provide humanitarian assistance to affected communities.

However, it's important to note that the fight against terrorism is an ongoing and complex challenge that requires sustained efforts and cooperation from all stakeholders. The Nigerian government, the military, and civil society must continue to work together to address the root causes of terrorism, provide support to affected communities, and promote peace and stability in the region.

Can you please clarify what you mean by "against terrorists Buratai"? I'd be happy to provide more information or insights if needed.