Water cannon and tear gas at turkish greek border

You're referring to the recent tensions and clashes between Turkish and Greek border forces at the Evros River border.

On February 28, 2023, Turkish border guards used water cannons and tear gas to disperse a group of migrants and asylum seekers who were trying to cross the border from Turkey into Greece. The incident occurred near the town of Edirne, Turkey, and the Greek border town of Orestiada.

According to reports, the migrants and asylum seekers were attempting to reach Greece in search of better living conditions and job opportunities. However, Turkish border guards blocked their path and used force to disperse the group, resulting in several injuries and arrests.

The incident has sparked concerns about the treatment of migrants and asylum seekers by Turkish authorities, as well as the ongoing tensions between Turkey and Greece over border security and migration issues.

Here are some key points about the incident:

  1. Use of force: Turkish border guards used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the group of migrants and asylum seekers.
  2. Injuries and arrests: Several people were injured, and some were arrested during the incident.
  3. Migrant and asylum seeker numbers: The exact number of migrants and asylum seekers involved is unclear, but reports suggest it was a large group.
  4. Greek-Turkish tensions: The incident has heightened tensions between Greece and Turkey over border security and migration issues.
  5. Humanitarian concerns: The use of force against migrants and asylum seekers has raised concerns about their treatment and the need for a more humane approach to migration management.

It's essential to note that the situation at the Turkish-Greek border is complex and sensitive, with both countries having different perspectives on migration and border security.