Watch skinny girl in transit s6e5 start again

I'd be happy to help you with that!

Since I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to watch videos or access external links. However, I can provide you with some information about the show "Skinny Girl in Transit" and help you find the episode you're looking for.

"Skinny Girl in Transit" is a Nigerian web series that premiered in 2015. The show is a comedy-drama that follows the life of Tiwa, a young woman who is trying to navigate her way through life, love, and career. The show has gained a huge following in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

To watch Season 6, Episode 5 of "Skinny Girl in Transit", you can try the following options:

  1. Check the official website of the show or the streaming platform where it's available. You can search for the episode on platforms like Netflix, YouTube, or iRoko.
  2. Look for the episode on online streaming sites like Tubi, Vudu, or Amazon Prime Video.
  3. Check if the episode is available on the show's official social media channels or YouTube page.

If you're having trouble finding the episode, you can try searching for it on your favorite search engine or checking out online forums or communities dedicated to the show.