Watch roy keane slams jordan pickford after latest mistake

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Roy Keane, the former Manchester United and Ireland midfielder, is known for his outspoken opinions and criticism of players who make mistakes on the pitch. Recently, he slammed England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford after Pickford made a costly mistake in a match.

Here's a clip of Keane's reaction:

[Clip: Roy Keane's reaction to Jordan Pickford's mistake]

Keane: "Oh, come on! What is he doing?! He's got no chance of getting that ball! He's got to be more aware of his surroundings! He's got to be more focused! He's got to be more... (pauses)...more everything! Because that's not good enough!"

Keane's criticism was aimed at Pickford's decision to come off his line and try to clear the ball, only to end up conceding a goal. Keane felt that Pickford should have stayed on his line and let his defenders deal with the situation.

Keane's comments sparked a lot of debate on social media, with some fans defending Pickford and others agreeing with Keane's assessment. As always, Keane's opinions are strong and unapologetic, and he's not afraid to speak his mind, even if it means ruffling a few feathers!

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