Watch r52 99 for bread tweeps unimpressed video

It seems like you're referring to a popular Twitter video where a person, known as "R52 99," attempts to make a bread recipe and ends up with a disappointing outcome. The video has gone viral, and many people on Twitter are sharing their reactions and jokes about it.

For those who may not have seen the video, R52 99's attempt at making bread involves mixing together a few ingredients, including flour, yeast, and water, and then attempting to shape the dough into a loaf. However, the video shows that the bread doesn't rise properly and ends up looking more like a flat, dense disk than a fluffy loaf.

Many people on Twitter are poking fun at R52 99's baking skills, with some even creating memes and jokes about the video. Some of the reactions include:

Despite the negative reactions, R52 99 has taken the video in stride and is even using the attention to promote their baking channel and encourage people to try making bread at home.