Watch new moon online

You want to watch "New Moon" online! Here are a few options:

Streaming Services:

  1. Amazon Prime Video: You can stream "New Moon" on Amazon Prime Video. If you're not a Prime member, you can sign up for a free trial or subscription.
  2. Netflix DVD: If you have a Netflix DVD subscription, you can rent the DVD and watch it on your TV or computer.
  3. HBO Max: "New Moon" is available to stream on HBO Max, a relatively new streaming service that offers a vast library of movies, TV shows, and original content.

Rent or Buy:

  1. iTunes: You can rent or buy "New Moon" on iTunes and watch it on your Apple devices.
  2. Google Play Movies & TV: You can rent or buy "New Moon" on Google Play Movies & TV and watch it on your Android devices or Chromecast.
  3. Vudu: You can rent or buy "New Moon" on Vudu and watch it on your devices or smart TV.
  4. YouTube Movies: You can rent or buy "New Moon" on YouTube Movies and watch it on your devices or smart TV.

Free Options:

  1. Public Libraries: Many public libraries offer free streaming services like Hoopla or Kanopy, which may have "New Moon" available to borrow.
  2. Free Trials: You can sign up for free trials on streaming services like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, or HBO Max to watch "New Moon" for free.

Remember to always check the availability and pricing of "New Moon" on these platforms before watching. Enjoy the movie!