Watch former chelsea star michael essien keep fit during coronavirus pandemic

I think you're referring to Michael Essien, the former Chelsea and Ghanaian professional footballer!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael Essien has been keeping fit and active through various means. Here are a few examples:

  1. Home workouts: Essien has been sharing his home workout routines on social media, showcasing exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks. He's also been incorporating bodyweight exercises, like burpees and mountain climbers, to keep his fitness levels up.
  2. Running and jogging: Essien has been sharing his outdoor runs and jogs on social media, highlighting the importance of staying active during the pandemic. He's been running in various locations, including parks and trails, while following social distancing guidelines.
  3. Yoga and stretching: Essien has also been sharing his yoga and stretching routines, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and relaxation during these challenging times. He's been incorporating various yoga poses, like downward-facing dog and warrior II, to improve his flexibility and balance.
  4. Fitness challenges: Essien has been participating in various fitness challenges on social media, such as the "7-day plank challenge" and the "30-day squat challenge." These challenges help keep him motivated and engaged, while also encouraging his followers to stay active and healthy.
  5. Charity work: Essien has also been using his platform to raise awareness and funds for various charitable causes, including the COVID-19 relief efforts. He's been partnering with organizations to support those affected by the pandemic, both financially and through his social media influence.

By following Essien's fitness journey during the pandemic, you can get inspiration and motivation to stay active and healthy, even from the comfort of your own home!