Watch burna boys odogwu video

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to watch videos or access external links. But I can tell you more about the song "Odogwu" by Burna Boy!

"Odogwu" is a popular song by Nigerian singer and rapper Burna Boy, released in 2020. The song is a fusion of Afrobeats, dancehall, and hip-hop, with Burna Boy's signature energetic vocals and lyrics. The song's title "Odogwu" means "Warrior" in Igbo, a Nigerian language.

The song gained massive attention and popularity, especially in Africa and the global Afrobeats community. Many fans praised the song's catchy beat, Burna Boy's powerful vocals, and the song's message of resilience and determination.

If you're interested in watching the music video for "Odogwu", you can search for it on YouTube or other music streaming platforms.