Waste management news

Here are some recent waste management news articles:

1. New York City to Implement Universal Recycling Program

New York City has announced plans to implement a universal recycling program, which will require all households and businesses to recycle a wide range of materials, including paper, plastic, glass, and metal. The program is expected to reduce the city's waste sent to landfills by 90%. (Source: CityLab)

2. China's Ban on Foreign Waste Imports Sparks Global Recycling Crisis

China's ban on imports of foreign waste has led to a global recycling crisis, with many countries struggling to find new markets for their recyclables. The ban has also led to a surge in illegal waste exports, with some countries accused of dumping their waste in developing nations. (Source: The Guardian)

3. California Passes Law to Ban Single-Use Plastics

California has passed a law to ban single-use plastics, including straws, bags, and cutlery, in an effort to reduce plastic waste and pollution. The law will take effect in 2023 and is expected to reduce plastic waste by 50%. (Source: CNN)

4. New Technology Aims to Turn Plastic Waste into Fuel

A new technology has been developed that can turn plastic waste into fuel, providing a potential solution to the global plastic waste crisis. The technology uses a chemical process to break down plastic into its component parts, which can then be used to produce fuel. (Source: The Telegraph)

5. Waste Management Company Fined for Illegal Dumping

A waste management company in the UK has been fined £1.2 million for illegal dumping of hazardous waste. The company was found to have dumped toxic waste in a rural area, posing a risk to the environment and public health. (Source: BBC News)

6. New York State to Implement Extended Producer Responsibility

New York State has announced plans to implement extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging waste, which will require manufacturers to take responsibility for the waste generated by their products. The program is expected to reduce packaging waste by 50%. (Source: Waste Management World)

7. Study Finds That Recycling Can Save Cities Millions

A new study has found that recycling can save cities millions of dollars by reducing waste disposal costs and generating revenue from the sale of recyclables. The study analyzed data from 15 cities in the US and found that recycling programs can generate significant cost savings. (Source: Environmental Protection Agency)

8. Waste Management Company Launches Electric Truck Fleet

A waste management company in the US has launched a fleet of electric trucks, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and operating costs. The company plans to expand its electric fleet in the coming years. (Source: Waste360)

9. New Recycling Technology Can Turn Plastic into High-Quality Fuel

A new recycling technology has been developed that can turn plastic waste into high-quality fuel, providing a potential solution to the global plastic waste crisis. The technology uses a chemical process to break down plastic into its component parts, which can then be used to produce fuel. (Source: The Verge)

10. Waste Management Company Fined for Failing to Comply with Regulations

A waste management company in the UK has been fined £500,000 for failing to comply with environmental regulations. The company was found to have failed to properly dispose of hazardous waste, posing a risk to the environment and public health. (Source: Environmental Protection Agency)