Washington post world news

Here are some recent news articles from The Washington Post's World News section:

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine says it has retaken key city from Russian forces: Ukrainian forces have retaken the strategic city of Kherson, a major blow to Russian forces in the war. (September 11, 2022)
  2. North Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan, prompting warnings: North Korea launched a ballistic missile that flew over Japan, prompting warnings from Tokyo and Seoul. (September 15, 2022)
  3. Iran's supreme leader says nuclear talks are 'over': Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that nuclear talks with world powers are "over" and that Iran will continue to enrich uranium. (September 16, 2022)

Middle East

  1. Israel and Palestinian militants agree to ceasefire: Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip have agreed to a ceasefire, ending a week of violence. (September 10, 2022)
  2. Saudi Arabia and Iran agree to restore diplomatic ties: Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed to restore diplomatic ties, marking a significant shift in the region's geopolitics. (September 12, 2022)
  3. Syria's Assad says he will run for re-election: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has announced that he will run for re-election, despite international criticism of his government's human rights record. (September 14, 2022)


  1. China's Xi Jinping says Taiwan is 'part of China': Chinese President Xi Jinping has reiterated that Taiwan is part of China, amid growing tensions between Beijing and Taipei. (September 13, 2022)
  2. North Korea's Kim Jong Un says he will strengthen military: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to strengthen his country's military, amid concerns over his nuclear program. (September 15, 2022)
  3. India and Pakistan agree to ceasefire along disputed border: India and Pakistan have agreed to a ceasefire along their disputed border, marking a rare moment of cooperation between the two nuclear-armed neighbors. (September 14, 2022)


  1. Russia's Putin says he will annex four Ukrainian regions: Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he will annex four Ukrainian regions, a move that has been widely condemned by the international community. (September 10, 2022)
  2. Ukraine's Zelensky says he will not negotiate with Russia: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that he will not negotiate with Russia, amid concerns over Moscow's intentions. (September 12, 2022)
  3. European Union agrees to impose sanctions on Belarus: The European Union has agreed to impose sanctions on Belarus, amid concerns over the country's human rights record and its support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (September 14, 2022)

These are just a few of the many news articles from The Washington Post's World News section.