Wardrobe malfunction on news

The infamous "wardrobe malfunction"!

You're likely referring to the infamous incident that occurred during Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, when Janet Jackson's breast was briefly exposed on live television during a halftime performance with Justin Timberlake.

The incident occurred when Timberlake sang the lyrics "I'm gonna have you naked by the end of this song" and ripped off part of Jackson's costume, revealing her right breast. The moment was broadcast live to an estimated 140 million viewers in the United States and sparked a national controversy.

The incident was widely reported and sparked a debate about censorship, decency, and the role of television in society. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) subsequently fined CBS, the network that aired the Super Bowl, $550,000 for violating indecency standards.

The incident also led to changes in the way live events are broadcast on television, with networks taking steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake both apologized for the incident, and Jackson's career was affected by the controversy. However, the incident also sparked a renewed interest in Jackson's music and career, and she has since continued to be a successful artist.

The "wardrobe malfunction" has become a cultural reference point and is often used to describe any unexpected or embarrassing moment that occurs on live television.