War isis us secretary state kerry visits iraq

You're likely referring to the visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Iraq in 2014, during the height of the conflict with the Islamic State (ISIS).

On August 20, 2014, Secretary Kerry arrived in Baghdad, Iraq, for an unannounced visit to discuss the US response to the ISIS crisis. At the time, ISIS had captured large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria, and the Iraqi government was struggling to regain control.

During his visit, Kerry met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other government officials to discuss the US military campaign against ISIS, which had begun just days earlier. The US had launched airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq on August 8, 2014, and Kerry's visit was seen as a show of support for the Iraqi government and a demonstration of the US commitment to defeating the terrorist group.

Kerry's visit came at a critical time, as ISIS was making gains in Iraq and the country was on the brink of collapse. The US was seeking to build a coalition of international partners to support the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIS, and Kerry's visit was seen as an important step in that effort.

During his visit, Kerry also met with Iraqi Kurdish leaders, who were playing a key role in the fight against ISIS. The Kurds had been fighting ISIS on their own for months, and Kerry's visit was seen as a recognition of their efforts and a demonstration of US support for their cause.

Overall, Kerry's visit to Iraq in 2014 was an important moment in the US response to the ISIS crisis, and it helped to set the stage for the US-led coalition's efforts to defeat the terrorist group in the years that followed.